ÍncipitKýrie, eléïson. Christe eléïson. Kýrie eléïson.Pater noster, qui es in cælis, sanctificétur nomen tuum: advéniat regnum tuum: fiat volúntas tua, sicut in cælo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidiánum da nobis hódie: et dimítte nobis débita nostra, sicut et nos dimíttimus debitóribus nostris: et ne nos indúcas in tentatiónem: sed líbera nos a malo. Amen.Ave María, grátia plena; Dóminus tecum: benedícta tu in muliéribus, et benedíctus fructus ventris tui Jesus. Sancta María, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatóribus, nunc et in hora mortis nostræ. Amen.P.In nómine✠Dómini nostri Jesu Christe lumen cum pace.℟.Deo grátias. |
StartLord have mercy. Christ have mercy. Lord have mercy.Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation: But deliver us from evil. Amen.Hail Mary, full of grace; The Lord is with thee; Blessed art thou amongst women, And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.P.In the name of✠Our Lord Jesus Christ, light with peace.℟.Thanks be to God. |
PsalmiP.Dóminus sit semper vobíscum.℟.Et cum spíritu tuo.Antiphóna.Præoccupémus fáciem ejus in confessióne: et in psalmis jubilémus ei.Psalmus 94.Veníte exultémus in Dómino: * jubilémus Deo salvatóri nostro.Præocupémus fáciem ejus in confessióne: * et in psalmis jubilémus ei. Quóniam Deus magnus: * Dóminus rex magnus super omnem terram. Quóniam non repéllet Dóminus plebem suam, quia in manu ejus sunt omnes fines terræ: * et altitúdines móntium ipse cónspicit. Quóniam ipsíus est mare, et ipse fecit illud: * et árida manus ejus fundabérunt. Veníte, adorémus, et procidámus ante Deum: * et plorémus coram Dómino, qui fecit nos. Quóniam ipse est Dóminus Deus noster: * nos autem pópulus ejus, et obes gregis ejus. Hódie si vocem ejus, audiéritis, nolíte obduráre corda vestra sicut in exacerbatióne * secúndum diem tentatiónis in desérto. Ubi temtabérunt me patres vestri, * probabérunt, et vidérunt ópera mea. Quadragínta annis próximus fui generatióni huic, * et dixi: Semper errant corde. Propter quod ódio hábui hanc generatiónem, * et ipsi non cognobérunt vias meas. Quibus jurábi in ira mea: * si introíbunt in réquiem meam. Glória, et honor Patri, et Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto in sæcula sæculórum. Amen. |
PsalmsP.The Lord be always with you.℟.And with thy spirit.Antiphon.Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving; and make a joyful noise to him with psalms.Psalm 94.Come let us praise the Lord with joy: * let us joyfully sing to God our saviour.Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving; * and make a joyful noise to him with psalms. For the Lord is a great God, * and a great King above all gods. For in his hand are all the ends of the earth: * and the heights of the mountains are his. For the sea is his, and he made it: * and his hands formed the dry land. Come let us adore and fall down: * and weep before the Lord that made us. For he is the Lord our God: * and we are the people of his pasture and the sheep of his hand. Today if you shall hear his voice, harden not your hearts: as in the provocation, * according to the day of temptation in the wilderness. Where your fathers tempted me, * they proved me, and saw my works. Forty years long was I offended with that generation, * and I said: These always err in heart. And these men * have not known my ways. So I swore in my wrath * that they shall not enter into my rest. Glory and honor be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen. |
Psalmus 118. ZAY.Meménto verbi tui servo tuo, * in quo mihi spem dedísti, Dómine.Hæc me consoláta est in humilitáte mea: * quia elóquium tuum vivificávit me. Supérbi iníque agébant usquequáque: * a lege autem tua non declinábi. Memor fui judiciórum tuórum a sæculo, Dómine: * et delectátus sum. Tædium ténuit me pro peccatóribus, * derelinquéntibus legem tuam. Cantábiles erant mihi justificatiónes tuæ, * in loco incolátus mei. Memor fui in nocte nóminis tui, Dómine: * et custodíbi legem tuam. Hoc mihi factum est: * quia justificatiónes tuas exquisíbi. Glória, et honor Patri, et Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto in sæcula sæculórum. Amen. |
Psalmus 118. ZAI.Be thou mindful of thy word to thy servant, * in which thou hast given me hope.This hath comforted me in my humiliation: * because thy word hath enlivened me. The proud did iniquitously altogether: * but I declined not from thy law. I remembered, O Lord, thy judgments of old: * and I was comforted. A fainting hath taken hold of me, * because of the wicked that forsake thy law. Thy justifications were the subject of my song, * in the place of my pilgrimage. In the night I have remembered thy name, O Lord: * and have kept thy law. This happened to me: * because I sought after thy justifications. Glory and honor be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen. |
Psalmus 118. HETH.Pórtio mea, Dómine, * dixi, custodíre legem tuam.Deprecátus sum fáciem tuam * de toto corde meo. Miserére mei secúndum elóquium tuum, quia cogitábi vias tuas: * et convérti pedes meos in testimónia tua. Parátus sum, et non sum turbátus: * custodíre mandáta tua. Funes peccatórum circumpléxi sunt me: * et legem tuam non sum oblítus. Média nocte surgébam ad confiténdum tibi, * super judícia justítiæ tuæ. Párticeps sum ego ómnium timéntium te: * et custodiéntium mandáta tua. Misericórdia tua, Dómine, plena est terra: * justificatiónes tuas doce me. Glória, et honor Patri, et Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto in sæcula sæculórum. Amen. |
Psalm 118. HETH.OLord, my portion, * I have said, I would keep thy law.I entreated thy face with all my heart. Have mercy on me according to thy word, I have thought on my ways: * and turned my feet unto thy testimonies. I am ready, and am not troubled: * that I may keep thy commandments. The cords of the wicked have encompassed me: * but I have not forgotten thy law. I rose at midnight to give praise to thee; * for the judgments of thy justification. I am a partaker with all them that fear thee, * and that keep thy commandments. The earth, O Lord, is full of thy mercy: * teach me thy justifications. Glory and honor be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen. |
Psalmus 118. TETH.Jucunditátem fecísti cum servo tuo, Dómine, * secúndum verbum tuum.Bonitátem, et disciplínam, et sciéntiam doce me: * quia mandátis tuis crédidi. Priúsquam humiliárer, ego delíqui: * proptérea elóquium tuum custodíbi. Bonus es, Dómine: * et in bonitáte tua doce me justificatiónes tuas. Multiplicáta est super me iníquitas superbórum: * ego autem in toto corde meo scrutábor mandáta tua. Quoagulátum est, sicut lac cor eórum: * ego vero legem tuam meditátus sum. Bonum mihi est, quod humiliásti me, Dómine: * ut discam justificatiónes tuas. Bona mihi est lex oris tui, * super míllia auri, et argénti. Glória, et honor Patri, et Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto in sæcula sæculórum. Amen. Antiphóna.Præoccupémus fáciem ejus in confessióne: et in psalmis jubilémus ei. |
Psalm 118. TETH.Thou hast done well with thy servant, O Lord, * according to thy word.Teach me goodness and discipline and knowledge; * for I have believed thy commandments. Before I was humbled I offended; * therefore have I kept thy word. Thou art good; * and in thy goodness teach me thy justifications. The iniquity of the proud hath been multiplied over me: * but I will seek thy commandments with my whole heart. Their heart is curdled like milk: * but I have meditated on thy law. It is good for me that thou hast humbled me, * that I may learn thy justifications. The law of thy mouth is good to me, * above thousands of gold and silver. Glory and honor be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen. Antiphon.Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving; and make a joyful noise to him with psalms. |
Responsórium{In diébus Feriálibus}P.Dóminus sit semper vobíscum.℟.Et cum spíritu tuo.Da nobis, Deus, auxílium in tribulatióne: quia vana est salus hóminis.℣.In Deo faciémus virtútem: et ipse ad níhilum dedúcet tribulántes nos.P.Quia vana est salus hóminis.℣.Glória, et honor Patri, et Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto in sæcula sæculórum. Amen.P.Da nobis, Deus, auxílium in tribulatióne: quia vana est salus hóminis. |
Responsory{On Ferial days}P.The Lord be always with you.℟.And with thy spirit.Grant us, O God, assistance in tribulation, for the salvation of man is in vain.℣.In God we shall do valiantly, and He will bring to nothing those who afflict us.P.For the salvation of man is in vain.℣.Glory and honor be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen.P.Grant us, O God, assistance in tribulation, for the salvation of man is in vain. |
ProphétiaP.Dóminus sit semper vobíscum.℟.Et cum spíritu tuo.Proverbiórum Salomónis. Cap. 3.℟.Deo grátiasFili, ne obliviscáris legis meæ, et præcépta mea custódiat cor tuum. Longitúdinem enim diérum, et annos vitæ, et pacem appónet tibi. Misericórdia, et véritas non te déserant, circúmda eas gútturi tuo, et scribe in tábulis cordis tui: et invénies grátiam, et disciplínam bonam coram Deo, et homínibus. Habe fidúciam in Dómino ex toto corde tuo, et ne innitáris prudéntiæ tuæ. In ómnibus viis tuis cógita illum, et ipse díriget gressus tuos. Ne sis sápiens apud temetípsum: time Dóminum, et recéde a malo.℟.Amen. |
ProphecyP.The Lord be always with you.℟.And with thy spirit.Proverbs of Solomon. Chap. 3.℟.Thanks be to God.My son, forget not my law, and let thy heart keep my commandments. For they shall add to thee length of days, and years of life and peace. Let not mercy and truth leave thee, put them about thy neck, and write them in the tables of thy heart: And thou shalt find grace and good understanding before God and men. Have confidence in the Lord with all thy heart, and lean not upon thy own prudence. In all thy ways think on him, and he will direct thy steps. Be not wise in thy own conceit: fear God, and depart from evil.℟.Amen. |
ProphétiaLéctio libri Exodi. Cap. 32.℟.Deo grátiasIn illis diébus: Videns pópulus, quod moram fáceret descendéndi de monte Moýses, congregátus advérsus Aaron, ait: Surge, fac nobis deos, qui nos præcédant: Moýsi enim huic viro, qui nos edúxit de terra Ægýpti, ignorámus quid accíderit. Dixítque ad eos Aaron: Tóllite ináures áureas de uxórum, filiorúmque et filiárum vestrárum áuribus, et afférte ad me. Fecítque pópulus quæ jússerat, déferens ináures ad Aaron. Quas cum ille accepísset, formávit ópere fusório, et fecit ex eis vítulum conflátilem: dixerúntque: Hi sunt dii tui Ísraël, qui te eduxérunt de terra Ægýpti. Quod cum vidísset Aaron ædificávit altáre coram eo, et præcónis voce clamávit dicens: Cras solémnitas Dómini est. Surgentésque mane, obtulérunt holocáusta, et hóstias pacíficas, et sedit pópulus manducáre, et bíbere, et surrexérunt lúdere. Locútus est autem Dóminus ad Moýsen, dicens: Vade, descénde: peccávit pópulus tuus, quem eduxísti de terra Ægýpti. Recessérunt de via, quam ostendísti eis: fecerúntque sibi vítulum conflátilem, et immolavérunt, atque immolántes ei hóstias, dixérunt: Isti sunt dii tui Ísraël, qui te eduxérunt de terra Ægýpti. Rursúmque dixit Dóminus ad Moýsen: Cerno, quod pópulus iste duræ cervícis est. Dimítte me, ut irascátur furor meus contra eos, et déleam eos, faciámque te in gentem magnam. Moýses autem orábat Dóminum suum, dicens: Cur, Dómine, iráscitur furor tuus contra pópulum tuum, quem eduxísti de terra Ægýpti, in fortitúdine magna, et in manu robústa? Ne quæso dicant Ægýptii: Cállide edúxit eos, ut interfíceret in móntibus, et deléret de terra: quiéscat ira tua, et esto placábilis super nequítiam pópuli tui. Recordáre Ábraham, Ísaac, et Ísraël servórum tuórum, quibus jurásti per temetípsum, dicens: Multiplicábo semen tuum, sicut stellas cœli: et univérsam terram hanc, de qua locútus sum, dabo sémini vestro, et possidébitis eam semper. Placatúsque est Dóminus, ne fáceret malum, quod locútus fúerat advérsus pópulum suum. Et revérsus est Moýses de monte, portans duas tábulas testimónii in manu scriptas ex utráque parte et factas ópere Dei: scriptúra Dei quoque erat in tábulis. Áudiens autem Jósuë tumúltum pópuli vociferántis, dixit ad Moýsen: Ululátus pugnæ audítur in castris. Qui respóndit: Non est clamor adhortántium ad pugnam, neque vociferátio compelléntium ad fugam: sed vocem cantántium ego áudio. Cumque appropinquásset ad castra, vidit vítulum, et choros: iratúsque valde, projécit de manu tábulas, et confrégit eas ad radícem montis: arripiénsque vítulum quem fécerat, combússit, et contrívit usque ad púlverem, quem sparsit in aquam, et dedit ex eo potum fíliis Ísraël. Díxitque ad Aaron: Quid tibi fecit hic pópulus, ut indúceres super eum peccátum máximum? Cui ille respondit: Ne indignétur Dóminus meus: tu enim nosti pópulum istum, quod pronus sit ad malum: dixérunt mihi: fac nobis deos, qui nos præcédant: huic enim Moýsi, qui nos edúxit de terra Ægýpti, nescímus quid accíderit. Quibus ego dixi: Quis vestrum habet aurum? Tulérunt et dedérunt mihi: et projéci illud in ignem, egressúsque est hic vítulus. Videns ergo Moýses pópulum quod esset nudátus (spoliáverat enim eum Aaron propter ignomíniam sordis, et inter hostes nudum constituérat): et stans in castrórum porta, ait: Si quis est Dómini, jungátur mihi. Congregatíque sunt ad eum omnes fílii Levi: quibus ait: Hæc dicit Dóminus Deus Ísraël: Ponat vir gládium super femur suum: ite, et redíte de porta usque ad portam per médium castrórum, et occídat unusquísque fratrem suum, et amícum suum, et próximum suum. Fecerúntque fílii Levi juxta sermónem Moýsi, ceciderúntque in die illo quasi vigínti tria míllia hóminum. Et ait Moýses: Consecrástis manus vestras hódie unusquísque in fílio, et in fratre suo, ut detur vobis benedíctio.℟.Amen. |
ProphecyLesson from the book of Exodus. Chap. 32.℟.Thanks be to God.In those days: The people seeing that Moses delayed to come down from the mount, gathering together against Aaron, said: Arise, make us gods, that may go before us: for as to this Moses, the man that brought us out of the land of Egypt, we know not what has befallen him. And Aaron said to them: Take the golden earrings from the ears of your wives, and your sons and daughters, and bring them to me. And the people did what he had commanded, bringing the earrings to Aaron. And when he had received them, he fashioned them by founders' work, and made of them a molten calf. And they said: These are thy gods, O Israel, that have brought thee out of the land of Egypt. And when Aaron saw this, he built an altar before it, and made proclamation by a crier's voice, saying: Tomorrow is the solemnity of the Lord. And rising in the morning, they offered holocausts, and peace victims, and the people sat down to eat, and drink, and they rose up to play. And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: Go, get thee down: thy people, which thou hast brought out of the land of Egypt, hath sinned. They have quickly strayed from the way which thou didst shew them: and they have made to themselves a molten calf, and have adored it, and sacrificing victims to it, have said: These are thy gods, O Israel, that have brought thee out of the land of Egypt. And again the Lord said to Moses: See that this people is stiffnecked: Let me alone, that my wrath may be kindled against them, and that I may destroy them, and I will make of thee a great nation. But Moses besought the Lord his God, saying: Why, O Lord, is thy indignation kindled against thy people, whom thou hast brought out of the land of Egypt, with great power, and with a mighty hand? Let not the Egyptians say, I beseech thee: He craftily brought them out, that he might kill them in the mountains, and destroy them from the earth: let thy anger cease, and be appeased upon the wickedness of thy people. Remember Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, thy servants, to whom thou sworest by thy own self, saying: I will multiply your seed as the stars of heaven: and this whole land that I have spoken of, I will give to your seed, and you shall possess it for ever. And the Lord was appeased from doing the evil which he had spoken against his people. And Moses returned from the mount, carrying the two tables of the testimony in his hand, written on both sides, And made by the work of God: the writing also of God was graven in the tables. And Josue hearing the noise of the people shouting, said to Moses: The noise of battle is heard in the camp. But he answered: It is not the cry of men encouraging to fight, nor the shout of men compelling to flee: but I hear the voice of singers. And when he came nigh to the camp, he saw the calf, and the dances: and being very angry, he threw the tables out of his hand, and broke them at the foot of the mount: And laying hold of the calf which they had made, he burnt it, and beat it to powder, which he strowed into water, and gave thereof to the children of Israel to drink. And he said to Aaron: What has this people done to thee, that thou shouldst bring upon them a most heinous sin? And he answered him: Let not my lord be offended: for thou knowest this people, that they are prone to evil. They said to me: Make us gods, that may go before us: for as to this Moses, who brought us forth out of the land of Egypt, we know not what is befallen him. And I said to them: Which of you hath any gold? and they took and brought it to me: and I cast it into the fire, and this calf came out. And when Moses saw that the people were naked, (for Aaron had stripped them by occasion of the shame of the filth, and had set them naked among their enemies,) Then standing in the gate of the camp, he said: If any man be on the Lord's side let him join with me. And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together unto him: And he said to them: Thus saith the Lord God of Israel: Put every man his sword upon his thigh: go, and return from gate to gate through the midst of the camp, and let every man kill his brother, and friend, and neighbour. And the sons of Levi did according to the words of Moses, and there were slain that day about three and twenty thousand men. And Moses said: You have consecrated your hands this day to the Lord, every man in his son and in his brother, that a blessing may be given to you.℟.Amen. |
ProphétiaLéctio libri Esaíæ Prophétæ. Cap. 33.℟.Deo grátiasHæc dicit Dóminus: Audíte qui longe estis, quæ fécerim, et cognóscite vicíni fortitúdinem meam. Contérriti sunt in Sion peccatóres, possédit timor hypócritas. Quis póterit habitáre de vobis cum igne devoránte? Quis hábitat ex vobis cum ardóribus sempitérnis? Qui ámbulat in judíciis, et lóquitur veritátem, qui prójicit avarítiam, et calúmniam, et éxcutit manus suas ab omni múnere, qui obdúrat aures suas ne áudiat, et ne effúndat sánguinem, et cludit óculos suos ne vídeat malum. Iste in excélsis hábitat, muniménta saxórum sublímitas ejus: panis ejus datus est, aquæ ejus fidéles sunt. Regem in decóre suo vidébunt óculi ejus, cernent terram de longe. Cor ejus meditábitur timórem: ubi est litterátus? ubi verba legis pónderans? ubi doctor parvulórum? Pópulum imprudéntem non vidébis, pópulum alti sermónis: ita ut non possis intellígere disertitúdinem linguæ ejus, in quo nulla est sapiéntia.℟.Amen. |
ProphecyLesson from the book of the Prophet Isaias. Chap. 33.℟.Thanks be to God.Thus saith the Lord: Hear, you that are far off, what I have done, and you that are near know my strength. The sinners in Sion are afraid, trembling hath seized upon the hypocrites. Which of you can dwell with devouring fire? which of you shall dwell with everlasting burnings? He that walketh in justices, and speaketh truth, that casteth away avarice by oppression, and shaketh his hands from all bribes, that stoppeth his ears lest he hear blood, and shutteth his eyes that he may see no evil. He shall dwell on high, the fortifications of rocks shall be his highness: bread is given him, his waters are sure. His eyes shall see the king in his beauty, they shall see the land far off. Thy heart shall meditate fear: where is the learned? where is he that pondereth the words of the law? where is the teacher of little ones? The shameless people thou shalt not see, the people of profound speech: so that thou canst not understand the eloquence of his tongue, in whom there is no wisdom.℟.Amen. |
EpístolaSequéntia Epístolæ Pauli Apóstoli ad Corínthios. 1. Cap. 10.℟.Deo grátiasFratres, nólumus vos ignoráre, quóniam patres nostri omnes sub nube fúerunt, et omnes mare transiérunt, et omnes in Móyse baptizáti sunt, et in nube, et in mari: et omnes eámdem escam spirituálem manducavérunt, et omnes eúmdem potum spirituálem bibérunt (bibébant autem de spirituáli, consequénti eos, petra: petra autem erat Christus), sed non in plúribus eórum beneplácitum est Deo: nam prostráti sunt in desérto. Hæc autem in figúra facta sunt nostri, ut non simus concupiscéntes malórum, sicut illi concupiérunt: neque idólatræ efficiámini, sicut quidam ex ipsis: quemádmodum scriptum est: Sedit pópulus manducáre, et bibére, et surrexérunt lúdere. Neque fornicémini, sicut quidam ex ipsis fornicáti sunt, et cecidérunt una die vigínti tria míllia. Neque tentémus Christum: sicut quidam eórum tentavérunt, et a serpéntibus periérunt. Neque murmuravérimus sicut quidam eórum murmuravérunt, et periérunt ab exterminatóre. Hæc autem ómnia in figúra contingébant illis: scripta sunt enim ad correctiónem nostram, in quos fines sæculórum devenérunt. Ítaque qui se exístimat stare, vídeat ne cadat. Tentátio vos non apprehéndat nisi humána: fidélis autem Deus est, qui non patiétur vos tentári supra id quod potéstis, sed fáciet et cum tentatióne étiam provéntum, ut póssitis sustinére. Propter quod, charíssimi mihi, fúgite ab idolórum cultúra: Ut prudéntibus loquor, vos judicáte quod dico. Calix benedictiónis, cui benedícimus, nonne communicátio sánguinis Christi est? et panis, quem frángimus, nonne participátio córporis Dómini est? Quóniam unus panis, unum corpus multi sumus, nam omnes de uno pane, et de uno cálice participámus. Vidéte Ísraël secúndum carnem: nonne qui edunt hóstias, partícipes sunt altáris? Quid ergo? dico quod idólis immolátum sit áliquid? aut quod idólum sit áliquid? Sed quæ ímmolant Gentes, dœmónibus ímmolant, et non Deo. Nolo autem vos sócios fíeri dœmoniórum: non potéstis cálicem Dómini bíbere, et cálicem dœmoniórum: non potéstis mensæ Dómini partícipes esse, et mensæ dœmoniórum. An æmulámur Dóminum? Numquid fortióres illo sumus? Ómnia mihi licent, sed non ómnia ædíficant. Nemo quod suum est quærat, sed quod altérius. Omne, quod in macéllo venúmdatur, manducáte, nihil interrogántes propter consciéntiam. Dómini est terra, et plenitúdo ejus. Si quis vocat vos infidélium, et vultis ire: omne, quod vobis appónitur, manducáte, nihil interrogántes propter consciéntiam. Si quis autem díxerit: Hoc immolátum est idólis: nolíte manducáre propter illum qui indicávit propter consciéntiam. Consciéntiam autem dico non tuam, sed altérius. Ut quid enim libértas mea judicátur ab ália consciéntia? Si ergo cum grátia partícipo, quid blasphémor pro eo quod grátias ago? Sive ergo manducátis, sive bibéritis, vel áliud quid fácitis: ómnia in glóriam Dei fácite. Sine offensióne estóte Judæis, et Géntibus, et Ecclésiæ Dei: Sicut et ego per ómnia ómnibus pláceo, non quærens quod mihi útile est, sed quod multis: ut salvi fiant.℟.Amen. |
EpistleContinuation of the Letter of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians. 1. Chap. 10.℟.Thanks be to God.Brethren, For I would not have you ignorant, that our fathers were all under the cloud, and all passed through the sea. And all in Moses were baptized, in the cloud, and in the sea: And did all eat the same spiritual food, And all drank the same spiritual drink; (and they drank of the spiritual rock that followed them, and the rock was Christ.) But with most of them God was not well pleased: for they were overthrown in the desert. Now these things were done in a figure of us, that we should not covet evil things as they also coveted. Neither become ye idolaters, as some of them, as it is written: The people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play. Neither let us commit fornication, as some of them committed fornication, and there fell in one day three and twenty thousand. Neither let us tempt Christ: as some of them tempted, and perished by the serpents. Neither do you murmur: as some of them murmured, and were destroyed by the destroyer. Now all these things happened to them in figure: and they are written for our correction, upon whom the ends of the world are come. Wherefore he that thinketh himself to stand, let him take heed lest he fall. Let no temptation take hold on you, but such as is human. And God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that which you are able: but will make also with temptation issue, that you may be able to bear it. Wherefore, my dearly beloved, fly from the service of idols. I speak as to wise men: judge ye yourselves what I say. The chalice of benediction, which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? And the bread, which we break, is it not the partaking of the body of the Lord? For we, being many, are one bread, one body, all that partake of one bread. Behold Israel according to the flesh: are not they, that eat of the sacrifices, partakers of the altar? What then? Do I say, that what is offered in sacrifice to idols, is any thing? Or, that the idol is any thing? But the things which the heathens sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God. And I would not that you should be made partakers with devils. You cannot drink the chalice of the Lord, and the chalice of devils: you cannot be partakers of the table of the Lord, and of the table of devils. Do we provoke the Lord to jealousy? Are we stronger than he? All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient. All things are lawful for me, but all things do not edify. Let no man seek his own, but that which is another's. Whatsoever is sold in the shambles, eat; asking no question for conscience' sake. The earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof. If any of them that believe not, invite you, and you will be willing to go; eat of any thing that is set before you, asking no question for conscience' sake. But if any man say: This has been sacrificed to idols, do not eat of it for his sake that told it, and for conscience' sake. Conscience, I say, not thy own, but the other's. For why is my liberty judged by another man's conscience? If I partake with thanksgiving, why am I evil spoken of, for that for which I give thanks? Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatsoever else you do, do all to the glory of God. Be without offence to the Jews, and to the Gentiles, and to the church of God: As I also in all things please all men, not seeking that which is profitable to myself, but to many, that may be saved.℟.Amen. |
Psalmus cum Antiphóna{Ex Festo}Antiphóna 1.Simulácra Géntium, ópera mánuum hóminum: símiles illis fiant, qui fáciunt ea: et omnes, qui confídunt in eis. Qui autem timent Dóminum, sperent in Dómino: adjútor eórum, et protéctor eórum est.Psalmus 113.In éxitu Ísraël de Ægýpto, * domus Jacob de pópulo bárbaro.Facta est Júdæa sanctificátio ejus, * Ísraël potéstas ejus; Ísraël regnávit in ea. Mare vidit, et fugit: * Jordánis convérsus est retrórsum. Montes exultabérunt, ut aríetes, * et colles velut agni óbium. Quid est mare, quod fugísti: * et tu Jordanis, quare convérsus es retrórsum. Montes quare exultástis, ut aríetes, * et colles, velut agni óbium. A fácie Dómini trémuit omnis terra, * a fácie Dei Jacob. Qui convértit petram in stagna aquárum, * et rupes in fontes aquárum. Non nobis Dómine, non nobis: * sed nómini tuo da glóriam. Super misericórdiam, et veritátem tuam: * ne quando dicant gentes: Ubi est Deus eórum. Deus autem noster in cœlo sursum: * in cœlo et in terra quæcúmque vóluit, fecit. Simulácra géntium argéntum, et aurum, * ópera mánuum hóminum. Os habent, et non loquéntur: * óculos habent, et non vidébunt. Aures habent, et non áudient, * nares habent, et non odorábunt. Manus habent, et non palpábunt: * pedes habent, et non ambulábunt. Non clamábunt in gútture suo: * neque enim est spíritus in ora ipsórum. Símiles illi fiant, qui fáciunt ea: * et omnes, qui confídunt in eis. Domus Ísraël sperábit in Dómino: * adjutor, et protéctor eórum est. Domus Haaron sperábit in Dómino: * adjutor, et protéctor eórum est. Qui timent Dóminum sperent in Dómino: * adjutor, et protéctor eórum est. Dóminus memor fuit nostri: * et benedíxit nobis. Benedíxit domum Ísraël, benedíxit domum Aaron: * benedíxit omnes timéntes Dóminum, pusíllos cum majóribus. Adíciet Dóminus super vos: * et super fílios vestros benedictiónem. Benedícti vos a Dómino, * qui fecit cœlum, et terram. Cœlum cœli Dómino: * terram autem dedit fíliis hóminum. Non mórtui laudábunt te, Dómine: * neque omnes, qui descéndunt in inférnum. Sed nos, qui víbimus, benedícimus Dómino, * ex hoc nunc, et usque in sæculum. Glória, et honor Patri, et Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto in sæcula sæculórum. Amen. Antiphóna 1.Simulácra Géntium, ópera mánuum hóminum: símiles illis fiant, qui fáciunt ea: et omnes, qui confídunt in eis. Qui autem timent Dóminum, sperent in Dómino: adjútor eórum, et protéctor eórum est. |
Psalm with Antiphons{From the Feast}Antiphon 1.The idols of the Gentiles, the works of of the hands of men: let them that make them become like unto them: and all such as trust in them. They that fear the Lord have hoped in the Lord: he is their helper and their protector.Psalm 113.When Israel went out of Egypt, * the house of Jacob from a barbarous people:Judea was made his sanctuary, * Israel his dominion. The sea saw and fled: * Jordan was turned back. The mountains skipped like rams, * and the hills like the lambs of the flock. What ailed thee, O thou sea, that thou didst flee: * and thou, O Jordan, that thou wast turned back? Ye mountains, that ye skipped like rams, * and ye hills, like lambs of the flock? At the presence of the Lord the earth was moved, * at the presence of the God of Jacob: Who turned the rock into pools of water, * and the stony hill into fountains of waters. Not to us, O Lord, not to us; * but to thy name give glory. For thy mercy, and for thy truth’s sake: * lest the Gentiles should say: Where is their God? But our God is in heaven: * he hath done all things whatsoever he would. The idols of the Gentiles are silver and gold, * the works of the hands of men. They have mouths and speak not: * they have eyes and see not. They have ears and hear not: * they have noses and smell not. They have hands and feel not: * they have feet and walk not. Neither shall they cry out through their throat: * neither is there any breath in their mouths. Let them that make them become like unto them: * and all such as trust in them. The house of Israel hath hoped in the Lord: * he is their helper and their protector. The house of Aaron hath hoped in the Lord: * he is their helper and their protector. They that fear the Lord have hoped in the Lord: * he is their helper and their protector. The Lord hath been mindful of us, * and hath blessed us. He hath blessed the house of Israel: he hath blessed the house of Aaron: * he hath blessed all that fear the Lord, both little and great. May the Lord add blessings upon you: * upon you, and upon your children. Blessed be you of the Lord, * who made heaven and earth. The heaven of heaven is the Lord’s: * but the earth he has given to the children of men. The dead shall not praise thee, O Lord: * nor any of them that go down to hell. But we that live bless the Lord: * from this time now and for ever. Glory and honor be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen. Antiphon 1.The idols of the Gentiles, the works of of the hands of men: let them that make them become like unto them: and all such as trust in them. They that fear the Lord have hoped in the Lord: he is their helper and their protector. |
Orátio post Psalmus{Ex Festo}P.Dóminus sit semper vobíscum.℟.Et cum spíritu tuo.Dómine, qui sursum in cœléstibus hábitans, terrénas potestátes cóntines et gubérnas: da nómini tuo glóriam, da peccántibus véniam; quodque de tua misericórdia præsúmimus, in veritáte, quod quærámus, hauriámus, ut misericórdia tua de Ecclésiæ cœtu simulácra exclúdat, et véritas ad cultus tui agnitiónem dúbia corda convértat: ádjice, quæsumus, Dómine, benedictiónem tuam super pópulum tuum, et super fílios eórum; quique timéntibus te factus es salus in vitam perpétuam, quam promisísti, concéde corónam; ut non peccátis mórtui, a tua benedictióne abjiciámur, sed vitæ partícipes facti, nomen tuum in sæcula conlaudémus.℟.Amen.P.Per misericórdiam tuam, Deus noster, qui es benedíctus, et vivis, et ómnia regis in sæcula sæculórum.℟.Amen. |
Prayer after Psalm{From the Feast}P.The Lord be always with you.℟.And with thy spirit.OLord, who dwellest on high in the heavens, holding and governing earthly powers: give glory to Thy name, grant forgiveness to sinners; and what we presume upon from Thy mercy, may we truly receive as we seek it, so that Thy mercy may expel idols from the assembly of the Church, and Thy truth may convert doubtful hearts to the recognition of Thy worship: add, we beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy blessing upon Thy people, and upon their children; and to those who fear Thee, being made salvation unto eternal life, which Thou hast promised, grant the crown; that, not being dead in sins, we may not be cast away from Thy blessing, but being made partakers of life, we may praise Thy name forever.℟.Amen.P.Through your mercy, O our God, who art blessed, and dost live, and govern all things, for ever and ever.℟.Amen. |
Psalmus cum Antiphóna{Ex Festo}P.Dóminus sit semper vobíscum.℟.Et cum spíritu tuo.Antiphóna 2.Exultáte Deo adjutóri nostro: jubiláte Deo Jacob.Psalmus 80.Exultáte Deo adjutóri nostro: * jubiláte Deo Jacob.Súmite psalmum, et date týmpanum: * psaltérium jucúndum cum cíthara. Cánite in inítio mensis tuba, in die insígnis solemnitátis vestræ: * quia præcéptum Ísraël est, et judícium Deo Jacob. Testimónium in Joseph pósuit cum exíret de terra Æegýpti: * linguam, quam non nóverat, audíbit. Divértit ab onéribus dorsum ejus: * manus ejus in cóphino serviérunt. In tribulatióne invocásti me, et liberábi te: et exaudíbi te in abscóndito tempestátis: * probábi te ad aquas contradictiónis. Audi pópule meus, et loquar: * Ísraël, et testificábor tibi. Ísraël si me audíeris, non erit in te Deus recens, * neque adorábis deos aliénos. Ego enim sum Dóminus Deus tuus, qui edúxi de terra Ægýpti: * diláta os tuum, et ego adimplébo illud. Et non audíbit pópulus meus vocem meam: * et Ísraël non inténdit mihi. Et dimísi eos secúndum desidéria cordis eórum: * et ambulabérunt in voluptátibus suis. Si plebs mea audísset me, Ísraël si vias meas ambulásset, ad níhilum inimícos ejus humiliássem: * et super tribulántes eos misíssem manum meam. Inimíci Dómini mentíti sunt ei: * et erit tempus eórum in ætérnum. Cibábit eos ex ádipe fruménti: * et de petra melle saturábit eos. Glória, et honor Patri, et Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto in sæcula sæculórum. Amen. Antiphóna 2.Exultáte Deo adjutóri nostro: jubiláte Deo Jacob. |
Psalm with Antiphons{From the Feast}P.The Lord be always with you.℟.And with thy spirit.Antiphon 2.Rejoice to God, our helper: sing aloud to the God of Jacob.Psalm 80.Rejoice to God, our helper: * sing aloud to the God of Jacob.Take a psalm, and bring hither the timbrel: * the pleasant psaltery with the harp. Blow up the trumpet on the new moon, on the noted day of your solemnity: * for it is a commandment in Israel, and a judgment to the God of Jacob. He ordained it for a testimony in Joseph, when he came out of the land of Egypt: * he heard a tongue which he knew not. He removed his back from the burdens: * his hands had served in baskets. Thou calledst upon me in affliction, and I delivered thee: * I heard thee in the secret place of tempest: I proved thee at the waters of contradiction. Hear, O my people, * and I will testify to thee, Israel. O Israel, if thou wilt hearken to me; there shall be no new god in thee: * neither shalt thou adore a strange god. For I am the Lord thy God, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt: * open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it. But my people heard not my voice: * and Israel hearkened not to me. So I let them go according to the desires of their heart: * they shall walk in their own inventions. If my people had heard me: if Israel had walked in my ways: * I should soon have humbled their enemies, and laid my hand on them that troubled them. The enemies of the Lord have lied to him: * and their time shall be for ever. And he fed them with the fat of wheat, * and filled them with honey out of the rock. Glory and honor be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen. Antiphon 2.Rejoice to God, our helper: sing aloud to the God of Jacob. |
Orátio post Psalmus{Ex Festo}P.Dóminus sit semper vobíscum.℟.Et cum spíritu tuo.Tibi adjutóri nostro Dómino exultatióne fídei et spei plaudéntes orámus, ut petítio nostra in tribulatióne diffúsa tuis áuribus appropínquet, et necessitátum nostrárum causas insínuet: tua quippe bónitas singulórum précibus semper adsit, ut líberes: et eréptis nobis tríbue desidérii ardórem ad te perténdere, et unitátem trinæ majestátis devóte concórditer clamitáre; ut, tuis semper láudibus déditi, tuárum justificatiónum trámitem adsecúti in te quǽsumus exultatiónis ornaménta, et spei remédia et fídei adquirámus corónam.℟.Amen.P.Per misericórdiam tuam, Deus noster, qui es benedíctus, et vivis, et ómnia regis in sæcula sæculórum.℟.Amen. |
Prayer after Psalm{From the Feast}P.The Lord be always with you.℟.And with thy spirit.To Thee, our helper, O Lord, with the exultation of faith and hope, we pray, that our petition, poured out in tribulation, may come near to Thy ears, and reveal the causes of our necessities: for Thy goodness is always present to the prayers of each one, that Thou mayest deliver us: and grant us, being rescued, the ardor of desire to reach unto Thee, and to devoutly cry out in unison the unity of the triune majesty; that, always dedicated to Thy praises, having followed the path of Thy justifications, we may, we beseech Thee, acquire the ornaments of exultation, and the remedies of hope, and obtain the crown of faith.℟.Amen.P.Through your mercy, O our God, who art blessed, and dost live, and govern all things, for ever and ever.℟.Amen. |
Psalmus cum Antiphóna{Ex Festo}P.Dóminus sit semper vobíscum.℟.Et cum spíritu tuo.Antiphóna 3.Cognóscant Gentes quóniam nomen tibi Dóminus: tu solus Altíssimus super omnem terram.Psalmus 82.Deus quis símilis tibi: * ne táceas, neque conpescáris Deus.Quóniam ecce inimíci tui sonuérunt: * et qui te odérunt, lebabérunt caput. In plebem tuam advérsus te cogitabérunt: * consílium cogitabérunt advérsus sanctos tuos. Dixérunt: Veníte, disperdámus eos ex gente: * et non memorétur nomen Israel ámplius. Quóniam cogitabérunt consílium in unum: advérsus te testaméntum disposuérunt: * tabernácula Idumæórum, et Smaëlitárum, Moab, et Agaréni. Gebal, et Ammon, et Amalec: * et alienígenæ cum habitántibus Tyrum. Etenim Assírius simul venit cum illis: * facti sunt in susceptióne fíliis Loth. Fac illis, Deus, sicut Mádian, et Sísaræ, et sicut Jabin in torréntem Cisson: * disperiérunt omnes in Endor: facti sunt sicut stercus terræ. Pone príncipes eórum sicut Orep, Zeb, Zébee, et Sálmana: * omnes príncipes eórum, qui dixérunt: Hereditátem possideámus nobis sanctuárium Dei. Deus meus pone illos, ut rotam: * et sicut stípulam ante fáciem venti. Sicut ignis, qui combúret silbam: * et velut si flamma combúret montes. Ita persequére eos in tempestáte tua: * et in ira tua conturbábis eos. Imple fácies eórum ignomínia: * et quærant nomen tuum, Dómine. Confundántur, et turbéntur in sǽculum sǽculi: * et revereántur, et péreant in ætérnum, et in sǽculum sǽculi. Et cognóscant, quia nomen tibi Dóminus: * tu solus altíssimus super omnem terram. Glória, et honor Patri, et Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto in sæcula sæculórum. Amen. Antiphóna 3.Cognóscant Gentes quóniam nomen tibi Dóminus: tu solus Altíssimus super omnem terram. |
Psalm with Antiphons{From the Feast}P.The Lord be always with you.℟.And with thy spirit.Antiphon 3.Let the People know that the Lord is thy name: thou alone art the most High over all the earth.Psalm 82.OGod, who shall be like to thee? * Hold not thy peace, neither be O God, thou still,For lo, thy enemies have made a noise: * and they that hate thee have lifted up the head. They have taken a malicious counsel against thy people, * and have consulted against thy saints. They have said: Come and let us destroy them, * so that they be not a nation: and let the name of Israel be remembered no more. For they have contrived with one consent: * they have made a covenant together against thee; the tabernacles of the Edomites, and the Ismahelites: Moab, and the Agarens, Gebal, and Ammon and Amalec: * the Philistines, with the inhabitants of Tyre. Yea, and the Assyrian also is joined with them: * they are come to the aid of the sons of Lot. Do to them as thou didst to Madian and to Sisara: * as to Jabin at the brook of Cisson: Who perished at Endor: and became as dung for the earth. Make their princes like Oreb, and Zeb, * and Zebee, and Salmana: * all their princes, who have said: Let us possess the sanctuary of God for an inheritance. O my God, make them like a wheel; * and as stubble before the wind. As fire which burneth the wood: * and as a flame burning mountains: So shalt thou pursue them with thy tempest: * and shalt trouble them in thy wrath. Fill their faces with shame; * and they shall seek thy name, O Lord. Let them be ashamed and troubled for ever and ever: * and let them be confounded and perish. And let them know that the Lord is thy name: * thou alone art the most High over all the earth. Glory and honor be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen. Antiphon 3.Let the People know that the Lord is thy name: thou alone art the most High over all the earth. |
Responsórium{Ex Festo}P.Dóminus sit semper vobíscum.℟.Et cum spíritu tuo.℟.Propitiáre, Dómine, peccátis nostris propter nomen tuum.P.Nequándo dicant in Géntibus: Ubi est Deus eórum?℣.Ádjuva nos, Deus salutáris noster: et propítius esto peccátis nostris.P.Nequándo dicant in Géntibus: Ubi est Deus eórum?℣.Glória, et honor Patri, et Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto in sæcula sæculórum. Amen.P.Propitiáre, Dómine, peccátis nostris propter nomen tuum.Nequándo dicant in Géntibus: Ubi est Deus eórum? |
Responsory{From the Feast}P.The Lord be always with you.℟.And with thy spirit.℟.Be propitious, O Lord, to our sins for the sake of Thy name.P.Lest at any time they say among the nations: Where is their God?℣.Help us, O God of our salvation: and be merciful to our sins.P.Lest at any time they say among the nations: Where is their God?℣.Glory and honor to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen.P.Be propitious, O Lord, to our sins for the sake of Thy name.Lest at any time they say among the nations: Where is their God? |
PrecesAd te clamámus, Dómine.P.Miserére, et parce pópulo tuo.℣.Sacerdótes oráte: flecténtes génua dicite:P.Miserére, et parce pópulo tuo.℣.Ignósce mala, quæ géssimus, et esto nobis propítius.P.Miserére, et parce pópulo tuo.℣.Aréntem terram jam réspice, et imbrem grátiæ tríbue.P.Miserére, et parce pópulo tuo. |
PrayersUnto Thee we cry, O Lord.P.Have mercy, and spare Thy people.℣.Priests, pray: bending the knee, say:P.Have mercy, and spare Thy people.℣.Forgive the evils we have done, and be merciful unto us.P.Have mercy, and spare Thy people.℣.Look now upon the parched land, and grant the rain of grace.P.Have mercy, and spare Thy people. |
CapítulaCognóscant Gentes, Christe, quod nomen tibi sit Dóminus, pro quibus es patíbulo Crucis appénsus: quosque ignáviæ ignorántia dedit, sciéntia restítuat conditóri, ut fide convertátur consciéntia, et spe læténtur in glória.P.Pater noster, qui es in cælis.℟.Amen.P.Sanctificétur nomen tuum.℟.Amen.P.Advéniat regnum tuum.℟.Amen.P.Fiat volútas tua, sicut in cælo, et in terra.℟.Amen.P.Panem nostrum quotidiánum da nobis hódie.℟.Quia Deus es.P.Et dimítte nobis débita nostra, sicut, et nos dimíttimus debitóribus nostris.℟.Amen.P.Et ne nos indúcas in tentatiónem.℟.Sed líbera nos a malo. |
ChapterLet the nations know, O Christ, that Thy name is Lord, for whom Thou wast hung upon the Cross: and those whom ignorance has given to sloth, may knowledge restore to the Creator, that their conscience may be converted by faith, and they may rejoice in hope and glory.P.Our Father, who art in heaven.℟.Amen.P.Hallowed be thy name.℟.Amen.P.Thy kingdom come.℟.Amen.P.Thy will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven.℟.Amen.P.Give us this day our daily bread.℟.For thou art God.P.And forgive us our trespasses, as we, forgive those who trespass against us.℟.Amen.P.And lead us not into temptation.℟.But deliver us from evil. |
PetítioAmalo nos líbera, et in tuo timóre ópere bono nos confírma Trínitas, Deus noster, qui es benedíctus, et vivis, et ómnia regis in sæcula sæculórum.℟.Amen.P.Per misericórdiam tuam, Deus noster, qui es benedíctus, et vivis, et ómnia regis in sæcula sæculórum.℟.Amen.P.Dóminus sit semper vobíscum.℟.Et cum spíritu tuo.P.In nómine Dómini nostri Jesu Christi perficiámus cum pace.℟.Deo grátias. |
EmbolismDeliver us from evil, and in the fear of thee confirm us in good works, O Trinity, our God, who art blessed and dost live and reign over all things for ever and ever.℟.Amen.P.Through your mercy, O our God, who art blessed, and dost live, and govern all things, for ever and ever.℟.Amen.P.The Lord be always with you.℟.And with thy spirit.P.In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, let us complete this with peace.℟.Thanks be to God. |