Gothicum Mockup

In Secúndo Die in Jejuniórum Kalendárum Januárii

In Láudibus

Psalmus cum Antiphóna

{Ex Témpore}


Dóminus sit semper vobíscum.


Et cum spíritu tuo.


Avérte fáciem tuam a peccátis meis: et omnes iniquitátes meas dele.

Psalmus 50.


iserére mei, Deus, secúndum magnam misericórdiam tuam: * et secúndum multitúdinem miseratiónum tuárum dele iniquitátes meas.
Usquequáque laba me ab injustítia mea: * et a peccáto meo munda me.
Quóniam iniquitátem meam ego agnósco: * et peccátum meum contra me est semper.
Tibi soli peccábi, et malum coram te feci: * ut justificéris in sermónibus tuis, et vincas dum judicáris.
Ecce enim in iniquitátibus concéptus sum: * et in peccátis péperit me mater mea.
Ecce enim veritátem dilexsísti: * incérta et occúlta sapiéntiæ tuæ manifestásti mihi.
Adspárges me ysópo, et mundábor: * labábis me, et supra nibem dealbábor.
Audítui meo dabis gáudium, et lætítiam: * et exultábunt ossa humiliáta.
Avérte fáciem tuam a peccátis meis: * et omnes iniquitátes meas dele.
Cor mundum crea in me, Deus, * spíritum rectum ínnoba in viscéribus meis.
Ne proícias me a fácie tua: * spíritum sanctum tuum ne áuferas a me.
Redde mihi lætítiam salutáris tui: * spíritu principáli confírma me.
Docéam inícos vias tuas: * et ímpii ad te converténtur.
Líbera me de sanguínibus, Deus, Deus salútis meæ : * laudábit lingua mea justítias tuas.
Dómine, lábia mea apéries: * et os meum adnuntiábit laudem tuam.
Quóniam, si voluísses sacrifícium dedíssem útique: * holocáustis vero non delectáberis.
Sacrifícium Deo spíritus contribulátus: * cor contrítum, et humiliátum Deus non spernet.
Benígne fac, Dómine, in bona voluntáte tua Sion: * ut ædificéntur muri Jerúsalem.
Tunc acceptábis sacrifícium justítiæ, oblatiónes, et holocáusta: * tunc impónes super altáre tuum vítulos.
Glória, et honor Patri, et Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto in sæcula sæculórum. Amen.


Avérte fáciem tuam a peccátis meis: et omnes iniquitátes meas dele.

Psalm with Antiphons

{From the Season}


The Lord be always with you.


And with thy spirit.


Turn away thy face from my sins: and blot out all my iniquities.

Psalm 50.


ave mercy on me, O God, according to thy great mercy: * and according to the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my iniquity.
Wash me yet more from my iniquity, * and cleanse me from my sin.
For I know my iniquity, * and my sin is always before me.
To thee only have I sinned, and have done evil before thee: * that thou mayst be justified in thy words, and mayst overcome when thou art judged.
For behold I was conceived in iniquities; * and in sins did my mother conceive me.
For behold thou hast loved truth: * the uncertain and hidden things of thy wisdom thou hast made manifest to me.
Thou shalt sprinkle me with hyssop, and I shall be cleansed: * thou shalt wash me, and I shall be made whiter than snow.
To my hearing thou shalt give joy and gladness: * and the bones that have been humbled shall rejoice.
Turn away thy face from my sins, * and blot out all my iniquities.
Create a clean heart in me, O God: * and renew a right spirit within my bowels.
Cast me not away from thy face; * and take not thy holy spirit from me.
Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation, * and strengthen me with a perfect spirit.
I will teach the unjust thy ways: * and the wicked shall be converted to thee.
Deliver me from blood, O God, thou God of my salvation: * and my tongue shall extol thy justice.
O Lord, thou wilt open my lips: * and my mouth shall declare thy praise.
For if thou hadst desired sacrifice, I would indeed have given it: * with burnt offerings thou wilt not be delighted.
A sacrifice to God is an afflicted spirit: * a contrite and humbled heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.
Deal favourably, O Lord, in thy good will with Sion; * that the walls of Jerusalem may be built up.
Then shalt thou accept the sacrifice of justice, oblations and whole burnt offerings: * then shall they lay calves upon thy altar.
Glory and honor be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen.


Turn away thy face from my sins: and blot out all my iniquities.

Orátio post Psalmus

{Ex Témpore}


Dóminus sit semper vobíscum.


Et cum spíritu tuo.


vérte fáciem tuam a peccátis nostris, Dómine; et omnes inquitátes nostras dele: rémove ab óculis tuis malárum nostrárum fácinus voluptátum; nostræque confessióni cleménter tuum appóne audítum: miserére, quæsumus, rogántibus nobis, qui propítius réspicis in advérsis, et qui desperátis cor pœnitens tríbuis, confessiónibus nostris glóriæ tuæ præsta subsídium. Sed quia publicánus a longe stans, et percútiens pectus suum, sola confessióne purgátus est; simíliter, et nos peccatóres exáudi: ut, sicut illi méritos petitiónis suæ fructus donásti, ita et nobis supplicántibus indígnis servis tuis véniam dignéris impéndi peccátis.




Per misericórdiam tuam, Deus noster, qui es benedíctus, et vivis, et ómnia regis in sæcula sæculórum.



Prayer after Psalm

{From the Season}


The Lord be always with you.


And with thy spirit.


urn away thy face from our sins, O Lord, and blot out all our iniquities: remove from thy sight the evil of our sinful pleasures; and mercifully grant thine ear to our confession: have pity, we beseech thee, on us who entreat, thou who graciously look upon us in adversity and grant a repentant heart to the despairing, and with mercy hear our confessions; grant aid to the glory of thy name. But as the publican, standing afar off and striking his breast, was purified by confession alone, similarly, hear us sinners: that, as to him, thou granted the fruit of his merited petition, so also to us, unworthy servants, mayest thou deign to bestow forgiveness for our sins as we humbly supplicate.




Through your mercy, O our God, who art blessed, and dost live, and govern all things, for ever and ever.



Ad Cánticum

{Ex Témpore}


Dóminus sit semper vobíscum.


Et cum spíritu tuo.


Non est Deus sicut homo, ut mentiátur: nec ut fílius hóminis, ut immutétur.

Cánticum Númeri.

Capítulo 23.


e Aram addúxit me Balac rex Moabitárum, de móntibus Oriéntis: veni, inquit, et máledic Jacob: * própera, et detestáre Ísraël. Quómodo maledícam, cui non maledíxit Deus?
Qua ratióne detéster, * quem Deus non detestátur?
De summis silícibus vidébo eum, * et de cóllibus considerábo illum.
Pópulus solus habitábit, * et inter gentes non reputábitur.
Quis dinumeráre possit púlverem Jacob, * et nosse númerum stirpis Ísraël?
Moriátur ánima mea morte justórum, * et fiant novíssima mea horum simília.
Sta Balac et auscúlta, * audi fili Sephor:
Non est Deus sicut homo, ut mentiátur: * nec ut fílius hóminis, ut immutétur.
Dixit ergo, et non fáciet? * locútus est, et non adimplébit?
Ad benedicéndum addúctus sum, * benedictiónem prohibére non váleo.
Non est idólum in Jacob, * nec vidétur simulácrum in Ísraël.
Dóminus Deus ejus cum eo est, * et clangor victóriæ regis in illo.
Deus edúxit eum de Ægýpto, * cujus fortitúdo símilis est rhinoceróti.
Non est augúrium in Jacob, * nec divinátio in Ísraël.
Tempóribus suis dicétur Jacob et Ísraël * quid operátus est Deus.
Pópulus ecce ut leœna consúrgit, * et leo erígitur:
Non accubábit, donec dévoret prædam, * et occisórum sánguinem bibat.
Glória, et honor Patri, et Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto in sæcula sæculórum. Amen.


Non est Deus sicut homo, ut mentiátur: nec ut fílius hóminis, ut immutétur.

The Canticle

{From the Season}


The Lord be with always you.


And with thy spirit.


God is not a man, that he should lie: nor as the son of man, that he should be changed.

Canticle of Numbers.

Chapter 23.


alac king of the Moabites hath brought me from Aram, from the mountains of the east: Come, said he, and curse Jacob: * make haste and detest Israel. How shall I curse him, whom God hath not cursed?
By what means should I detest him, * whom the Lord detesteth not?
I shall see him from the tops of the rocks, * and shall consider him from the hills.
This people shall dwell alone, * and shall not be reckoned among the nations.
Who can count the dust of Jacob, * and know the number of the stock of Israel?
Let my soul die the death of the just, * and my last end be like to them.
Stand, O Balac, and give ear: * hear, thou son of Sephor:
God is not a man, that he should lie, * nor as the son of man, that he should be changed.
Hath he said then, and will he not do? * hath he spoken, and will he not fulfill?
I was brought to bless, * the blessing I am not able to hinder.
There is no idol in Jacob, * neither is there an image god to be seen in Israel.
The Lord his God is with him, * and the sound of the victory of the king in him.
God hath brought him out of Egypt, * whose strength is like to the rhinoceros.
There is no soothsaying in Jacob, * nor divination in Israel.
In their times it shall be told to Jacob and to Israel * what God hath wrought.
Behold the people shall rise up as a lioness, * and shall lift itself up as a lion:
It shall not lie down till it devour the prey, * and drink the blood of the slain.
Glory and honor be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen.


God is not a man, that he should lie: nor as the son of man, that he should be changed.

Orátio post Cánticum

{Ex Témpore}


Dóminus sit semper vobíscum.


Et cum spíritu tuo.


u es, Dómine, stella veritátis óriens ex Jacob, homóque consúrgens ex Israel: et novo sídere osténderis Deus, et præsépio pósitus Deus et homo, unus créderis Christus: Propter magnam ergo misericórdiam tuam, visiónis tuæ horum próroga grátiam: ut appáreat in nos lucis tuæ radiábile signum, quod expéllat omnes ténebras vitiórum: et qui visiónis tuæ desidério anhelámus, visiónis tuæ prǽmio consolémur.




Per misericórdiam tuam, Deus noster, qui es benedíctus, et vivis, et ómnia regis in sæcula sæculórum.



Prayer after Canticle

{From the Season}


The Lord be always with you.


And with thy spirit.


hou art, O Lord, the star of truth rising from Jacob, and the man springing forth from Israel: and by a new star art Thou manifested, O God, laid in a manger, both God and man, believed to be one Christ. Therefore, for Thy great mercy, extend the grace of Thy vision to these: that the radiant sign of Thy light may appear upon us, which may drive away all the darkness of vices: and we who breathe with longing for Thy vision, may be consoled by the reward of Thy vision.




Through your mercy, O our God, who art blessed, and dost live, and govern all things, for ever and ever.




{Ex Témpore}


Dóminus sit semper vobíscum.


Et cum spíritu tuo.


Lux auróræ oriénte sole mane.


Absque núbibus rútilat.


Deus misereátur nobis, et benedícat nos: illúminet Dóminus vultum suum super nos.


Absque núbibus rútilat.


Glória, et honor Patri, et Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto in sæcula sæculórum. Amen.


Absque núbibus rútilat.

The Morning

{From the Season}


The Lord be with always you.


And with thy spirit.


The light of dawn, when the sun riseth in the morning.


Shineth without clouds.


May God have mercy on us, and bless us: may the Lord cause the light of his countenance to shine upon us.


Shineth without clouds.


Glory and honor be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit


Shineth without clouds.



Dóminus sit semper vobíscum.


Et cum spíritu tuo.


n potentátibus ejus laudáte eum.

Psalmus 150.


audáte Dóminum in sanctis ejus: * laudáte eum in firmaménto virtútis ejus.
Laudáte eum in potentátibus ejus: * laudáte eum secúndum multitúdinem magnitúdinis ejus.
Laudáte eum in sono tubæ: * laudáte eum in psaltério, et cíthara.
Laudáte eum in týmpano, et choro: * laudáte eum in chordis, et órgano.
Laudáte eum in cýmbalis bene sonántibus: * laudáte eum in cýmbalis jubilatiónum: * omnis spíritus laudet Dóminum.
Glória, et honor Patri, et Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto in sæcula sæculórum. Amen.


n potentátibus ejus laudáte eum.



The Lord be always with you.


And with thy spirit.


n his mighty acts praise ye him.

Psalm 150.


raise ye the Lord in his holy places: * praise ye him in the firmament of his power.
Praise ye him for his mighty acts: * praise ye him according to the multitude of his greatness.
Praise him with sound of trumpet: * praise him with psaltery and harp.
Praise him with timbrel and choir: * praise him with strings and organs.
Praise him on high sounding cymbals: praise him on cymbals of joy: * let every spirit praise the Lord.
Glory and honor be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen.


n his mighty acts praise ye him.


{Ex Témpore}


Dóminus sit semper vobíscum.


Et cum spíritu tuo.


éctio libri Esaíæ Prophétæ. Cap. 2.


Deo grátias


æc dicit Dóminus: ingrédere ad petram, abscóndere fossa humo a fácie timóris Dómini, et a glória majestátis ejus. Óculi sublímes hóminum humiliáti sunt, et incurvábitur altitúdo virórum; et exaltábitur Dóminus solus in die illa. Quia dies Dómini exercítuum super omnem supérbum, et excélsum, et super arrogántem: et humiliábitur. Et super omnes cedros Líbani sublímes et eréctas, et super omnes quercus Basan. Et super omnes montes excélsos, et super omnes colles elevátos. Et super omnem turrim excélsam, et super omnem murum munítum, et super omnes naves Tharsis, et super omne lignum, quod visu pulchrum est. Et incurvábitur omnis sublímitas hóminum, et humiliábitur altitúdo virórum, et elevábitur Dóminus solus in die illa: et idóla pénitus conteréntur: Et introíbunt in spelúncas petrárum, et in vorágines terræ a fácie timóris Dómini, et a glória majestátis ejus, cum surréxerit percútere terram. In illa die projíciet homo idóla argénti sui, et simulácra auri sui, quæ fecérunt sibi, ut adorárent talpas, et vespertiliónes. Et ingrediétur fixúras petrárum, et cavérnas saxórum a fácie formídinis Dómini, et glória majestátis ejus, cum surréxerit percútere terram. Quiéscite ergo ab hómine, cujus spíritus in náribus ejus est, quia excélsus reputátus est ipse.




{From the Season}


The Lord be always with you.


And with thy spirit.


esson from the book of Isaias the Prophet. Chap. 2.


Thanks be to God.


hus saith the Lord: Enter thou into the rock, and hide thee in the pit from the face of the fear of the Lord, and from the glory of his majesty. The lofty eyes of man are humbled, and the haughtiness of men shall be made to stoop: and the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day. Because the day of the Lord of hosts shall be upon every one that is proud and highminded, and upon every one that is arrogant, and he shall be humbled. And upon all the tall and lofty cedars of Libanus, and upon all the oaks of Basan. And upon all the high mountains, and upon all the elevated hills. And upon every high tower, and every fenced wall. And upon all the ships of Tharsis, and upon all that is fair to behold. And the loftiness of men shall be bowed down, and the haughtiness of men shall be humbled, and the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day. And idols shall be utterly destroyed. And they shall go into the holes of rocks, and into the caves of the earth from the face of the fear of the Lord, and from the glory of his majesty, when he shall rise up to strike the earth. In that day a man shall cast away his idols of silver, and his idols of gold, which he had made for himself to adore, moles and bats. And he shall go into the clefts of rocks, and into the holes of stones from the face of the fear of the Lord, and from the glory of his majesty, when he shall rise up to strike the earth. Cease ye therefore from the man, whose breath is in his nostrils, for he is reputed high.





enignitátis fons Deus,
Qui non habens finem boni
Super malum sceléstium,
Semper pius, semper bonus.


œstum satis cor cædimus,
Et triste pectus túndimus,
Aquas pupíllæ fúndimus,
Mœstas genas indúcimus.


gísse multum pœnitet
Horrens, tetrum, vel péssimum;
Turpíssimum, ac sórdidum
Fatémur omne nóxium.


láta vox te póstulat,
Tu parce, dicit, Cónditor,
Jam parce clamat óbsecrans,
Ignósce quod commísimus.


on ira mœstos sórbeat,
Non pœna fessos cónterat:
Solare contrítos cito,
Et gáudium nobis dato.


ræsta, Pater piíssime,
Patríque compar Únice,
Cum Spíritu Paráclito
Regnans per omne sæculum.





God, source of kindness,
Who, having no end of goodness,
Above the evil of the wicked,
Always merciful, always good.


e strike our sorrowful heart enough,
And beat our sad breast,
We pour out the waters of our eyes,
And bring forth mournful cheeks.


egretted greatly is the deed
Dreadful, foul, or worst;
Most shameful and filthy,
We confess every harmful thing.


lifted voice pleads with you,
Spare, Creator, it says,
Now spare, it cries in entreaty,
Forgive what we have committed.


et not anger weigh on the sorrowful,
Let not punishment crush the weary:
Console the contrite quickly,
And give us joy.


rant this, O most loving Father,
And thou, Only-begotten like the Father,
With the Holy Spirit, the Comforter,
Reigning for all ages.





rémus. Redemptórem mundi Dóminum nostrum Jesum Christum, cum omni supplicatióne rogémus; ut nos grátia ipsíus, et per intercessiónem Sanctæ Mariæ Vírginis Genitrícis suæ in sacro sancto jejúnio remissiónem peccatórum, pacémque nobis propítius donáre dignétur.


Præsta ætérne omnípotens Deus.


Kýrie eléïson


Christe eléïson. Kýrie eléïson.



et us pray to our Redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ, with all supplication, that he, by his grace and through the intercession of his Holy Mother, the Virgin Mary, may mercifully grant us the remission of sins and peace in this sacred and holy fast.


Grant this, eternal almighty God.


Lord have mercy.


Christ have mercy. Lord have mercy.


{Ex Témpore}


ilectíssimi fratres, qui ómnia idóla géntium cum Psalmísta dœmónia esse créditis; illórum, quæso, ut ritus et mónstruos actus omnímodo respuámus: et si áliquem ex Ecclésiæ fíliis tália, aut ágere aut delectári prospícitis, vestra admonitióne corrípite, et ad viam salútis ab erróribus revocáte; ut verba Dominícæ oratiónis, quæ ipso Dómino docénte didicístis, et simul mecum et cum illis proclamáre líberi possítis e terris dicéntes:


Pater noster, qui es in cælis.




Sanctificétur nomen tuum.




Advéniat regnum tuum.




Fiat volútas tua, sicut in cælo, et in terra.




Panem nostrum quotidiánum da nobis hódie.


Quia Deus es.


Et dimítte nobis débita nostra, sicut, et nos dimíttimus debitóribus nostris.




Et ne nos indúcas in tentatiónem.


Sed líbera nos a malo.


{From the Season}


ost beloved brethren, who with the Psalmist believe that all the idols of the Gentiles are demons, I beg you, that we utterly reject their rites and monstrous deeds. And if you see any of the sons of the Church either engaging in or delighting in such things, correct them with your admonition, and call them back to the way of salvation from their errors; that you may, with me and with them, freely proclaim the words of the Lord's prayer, which you have learned from the Lord Himself, saying from the earth:


Our Father, who art in heaven.




Hallowed be thy name.




Thy kingdom come.




Thy will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven.




Give us this day our daily bread.


For thou art God.


And forgive us our trespasses, as we, forgive those who trespass against us.




And lead us not into temptation.


But deliver us from evil.



malo nos líbera, et in tuo timóre ópere bono nos confírma Trínitas, Deus noster, qui es benedíctus, et vivis, et ómnia regis in sæcula sæculórum.





eliver us from evil, and in the fear of thee confirm us in good works, O Trinity, our God, who art blessed and dost live and reign over all things for ever and ever.



Lauda Finális

{Ex Témpore}


Dóminus sit semper vobíscum.


Et cum spíritu tuo.


Allelúia. Lætábitur desérta et ínvia, et exultábit solitúdo.


Et florébit quasi lílium. Allelúia, allelúia.


Jubiláte Dómino omnis terra: servíte Dómino in lætítia.


Et florébit quasi lílium. Allelúia, allelúia.


Glória, et honor Patri, et Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto in sæcula sæculórum. Amen.


Et florébit quasi lílium. Allelúia, allelúia.

Final Lauds

{From the Season}


The Lord be always with you.


And with thy spirit.


Alleluia. The desert and the barren land shall rejoice, and the wilderness shall exult.


And it shall blossom as the lily. Alleluia, alleluia.


Sing joyfully to God, all the earth: serve ye the Lord with gladness.


And it shall blossom as the lily. Alleluia, alleluia.


Glory and honor be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen.


And it shall blossom as the lily. Alleluia, alleluia.



Humiliáte vos benedictióni. Dóminus sit semper vobiscum.


Et cum spíritu tuo.


hristus Dóminus, qui cum Patre, et Spíritu Sancto unus extat cónditor et annórum et témporum; ipse in inítio hujus anni vestrum acceptáre dignétur jejúnium.




Sit vobis semper ductor, qui éxtitit totíus mundi Redémptor.




Ut, cujus in nativitáte solémnia jam strénue peregístis, apparitiónis festa étiam cum gáudio celebrétis.




Per misericórdiam ipsíus Dei nostri, qui est benedíctus, et vivit, et ómnia regit in sæcula sæculórum.





Humble yourselves for the blessing. The Lord be always with you.


And with thy spirit.


hrist the Lord, who with the Father and the Holy Spirit is the one Creator of both ages and times, may He deign to accept your fasting at the beginning of this year.




May He always be your guide, who has been the Redeemer of the whole world.




So that, having already diligently observed the solemnities of His birth, you may also celebrate the festivals of His manifestation with joy.




Through the mercy of our God, who is blessed and liveth and reigneth for ever and ever.



Orátio post Benedíctio

{Ex Témpore}


Dóminus sit semper vobíscum.


Et cum spíritu tuo.


agne Dómine valdéque laudábilis, diláta in omnes fidem Ecclésiæ tuæ: ut in cujus grádibus Deus agnósceris; in ea étiam plena fidélium devotióne laudéris: ejúsque preces propítius súscipe; et inter sǽculi procéllas sollícitos gubernátor custódi: ut civitátem, quam fundásti in sǽcula, misericórdia tua introeúntes, suscipiámur in illa, narrántes in túrribus mirabília tua.




Per misericórdiam tuam, Deus noster, qui es benedíctus, et vivis, et ómnia regis in sæcula sæculórum.




Dóminus sit semper vobíscum.


Et cum spíritu tuo.


In nómine Dómini nostri Jesu Christi perficiámus cum pace.


Deo grátias.

Prayer after Blessing

{From the Season}


The Lord be always with you.


And with thy spirit.


great and most praiseworthy Lord, extend the faith of Thy Church unto all; that in whose ranks Thou art acknowledged as God, in the same mayest Thou also be praised with full devotion of the faithful. Graciously receive her prayers, and as the careful guide, protect those amidst the storms of this world; that the city which Thou hast established for all ages, may, by Thy mercy, receive us as we enter therein, recounting Thy wonders in its towers.




Through your mercy, O our God, who art blessed, and dost live, and govern all things, for ever and ever.




The Lord be always with you.


And with thy spirit.


In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, let us complete this with peace.


Thanks be to God.
{Alia Commemorátio}
{Other Commemorations}


Lauda. P.

Ad annuntiándum mane misericórdiam tuam,


Et veritátem tuam per noctem.


Dóminus sit semper vobíscum.


Et cum spíritu tuo.


ane, Dómine, orátio nostra pervéniat ad te, quia suscepísti confractiónem fragilitátis nostræ: concéde nobis diem istum jocúndum, et pacíficum, sine scándalo, sine mácula, sine ulla tentatióne: ut adveniéntes ad vésperum te collaudámus Regem ætérnum.




Per misericórdiam tuam, Deus noster, qui es benedíctus, et vivis, et ómnia regis in sæcula sæculórum.




Dóminus sit semper vobíscum.


Et cum spíritu tuo.


In nómine Dómini nostri Jesu Christi perficiámus cum pace.


Deo grátias.


Et fidélium ánimæ ómnium defunctórum, per misericórdiam Dei cum Christo sine fine requiéscant in pace.




Lauda. P.

To show forth thy mercy in the morning,


And thy truth in the night.


The Lord be always with you.


And with thy spirit.


ay our prayer come to thee in the morning, O Lord. Since thou hast taken upon thyself the frailty of our nature, grant us this joyful and peaceful day without scandal or blemish, and may we, coming to evening without any temptation, praise thee, the eternal King.




Through your mercy, O our God, who art blessed, and dost live, and govern all things, for ever and ever.




The Lord be always with you.


And with thy spirit.


In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, let us complete this with peace.


Thanks be to God.


And may the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God with Christ without end rest in peace.


Post Laudes
