Gothicum Mockup

In Tértio Die in Jejuniórum Kalendárum Januárii

Ad Matutínum


Debet semper dici sub silentio, flexisque genibus hæc quæ sequuntur.


ýrie, eléïson. Christe eléïson. Kýrie eléïson.


ater noster, qui es in cælis, sanctificétur nomen tuum: advéniat regnum tuum: fiat volúntas tua, sicut in cælo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidiánum da nobis hódie: et dimítte nobis débita nostra, sicut et nos dimíttimus debitóribus nostris: et ne nos indúcas in tentatiónem: sed líbera nos a malo. Amen.


ve María, grátia plena; Dóminus tecum: benedícta tu in muliéribus, et benedíctus fructus ventris tui Jesus. Sancta María, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatóribus, nunc et in hora mortis nostræ. Amen.


ve Regína Cœlórum,
Ave Dómina Angelórum:
Salve radix, salve porta,
Ex qua Mundo lux est orta:

Gaude Virgo Gloriósa,
Super omnes speciósa:
Vale o valde decóra,
Et pro nobis Christum exóra.


Post Partum Virgo invioláta permansísti.


Dei-Génitrix intercéde pro nobis.


Dóminus sit semper vobíscum.


Et cum spíritu tuo.


rátiam plenam habére te crédimus, Virgo Christi Génitrix, et humáni Géneris amátrix et reparátrix Gloriósa MARÍA, quæ tanta nobis gáudia pariéndo contulísti, ut Fructus Ventris tui, qui est Christus Fílius tuus, a domínio in nos sæviéntis eríperet Inimíci, et in Regno consórtes fácere sibimetípsi. Proínde te quæsumus, teque rogámus, ut adsis Patróna nobis, et mérito tuo nos Fílius tuus a delícto exúles reddat, et post in Regno suo perénniter habitatúros introdúcat. Per Christum Dóminum Nostrum.




In nómine

Dómini nostri Jesu Christe lumen cum pace.


Deo grátias.


These things that follow should always be said in silence while kneeling.


ord have mercy. Christ have mercy. Lord have mercy.


ur Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation: But deliver us from evil. Amen.


ail Mary, full of grace; The Lord is with thee; Blessed art thou amongst women, And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.


ail, O Queen of heaven, enthroned!
Hail, by Angels Mistress owned!
Root of Jesse, Gate of morn,
Whence the world's true Light was born:

Glorious Virgin, joy to thee,
Loveliest whom in heaven they see:
Fairest thou, where all are fair,
Plead with Christ our sins to spare.


After childbirth, thou, O Virgin, remained inviolate.


Mother of God, intercede for us.


The Lord be always with you.


And with thy spirit.


e believe that thou hast full grace, O Virgin Mother of Christ, and glorious Mary, mother and restorer of the human race, who hath bestowed such great joys upon us by giving birth, that the Fruit of thy Womb, who is Christ thy Son, might deliver us from the tyranny of the raging Enemy, and make us co-heirs in His Kingdom. Therefore, we beseech thee and ask of thee, that thou be our Patroness, and by thy merit, may thy Son deliver us from our sins, and lead us to dwell perpetually in His Kingdom. Through Christ our Lord.




In the name of

Our Lord Jesus Christ, light with peace.


Thanks be to God.

Psalmus cum Antiphóna

{Ex Festo}


Dóminus sit semper vobíscum.


Et cum spíritu tuo.


Tu autem Dómine suscéptor meus es, glória mea, et exáltans caput meum.

Psalmus 3.


ómine quid multiplicáti sunt qui tríbulant me? * multi insúrgunt advérsum me.
Multi dicunt ánimæ meæ : * non est salus illi in Deo ejus.
Tu autem, Dómine, suscéptor meus es: * glória mea, et exáltans caput meum.
Voce mea ad Dóminum clamábi: * et exaudíbit me de monte sancto suo.
Ego dormívi, et quiébi, et resurréxi: * quóniam Dóminus suscitábit me.
Non timébo míllia pópuli: * circumdántis me:
Exúrge Dómine: * salbum me fac Deus meus.
Quóniam tu percusísti omnes adversántes mihi sine causa: * dentes peccatórum conteruísti.
Dómini est salus: * et super pópulum tuum benedíctio tua.
Glória, et honor Patri, et Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto in sæcula sæculórum. Amen.


Tu autem Dómine suscéptor meus es, glória mea, et exáltans caput meum.

Psalm with Antiphons

{From the Feast}


The Lord be always with you.


And with thy spirit.


But thou, O Lord art my protector, my glory, and the lifter up of my head.

Psalm 3.


hy, O Lord, are they multiplied that afflict me? * many are they who rise up against me.
Many say to my soul: * There is no salvation for him in his God.
But thou, O Lord art my protector, * my glory, and the lifter up of my head.
I have cried to the Lord with my voice: * and he hath heard me from his holy hill.
I have slept and taken my rest: * and I have risen up, because the Lord hath protected me.
I will not fear thousands of the people, * surrounding me:
Arise, O Lord; * save me, O my God.
For thou hast struck all them who are my adversaries without cause: * thou hast broken the teeth of sinners.
Salvation is of the Lord: * and thy blessing is upon thy people.
Glory and honor be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen.


But thou, O Lord art my protector, my glory, and the lifter up of my head.

Orátio post Psalmus

{Ex Festo}


Dóminus sit semper vobíscum.


Et cum spíritu tuo.


uamvis, Dómine, plúrima malignántium multitúdo ábneget salútem nostram esse in te Dómino Deo nostro; nobis tamen ob hoc robur spei multum augétur, quia tu suscéptor noster esse dignátus es: obstruátur ítaque os loquéntium iníqua, cum sperántes in te misericórdia circúmdat assídua.




Per misericórdiam tuam, Deus noster, qui es benedíctus, et vivis, et ómnia regis in sæcula sæculórum.



Prayer after Psalm

{From the Feast}


The Lord be always with you.


And with thy spirit.


hough, Lord, the multitude of evildoers deny our salvation to be in thee, O Lord our God; yet for us, by this, the strength of hope is greatly increased, because thou hast deigned to be our protector: therefore, let the mouth of those speaking iniquity be stopped, when those hoping in thy mercy are surrounded by unceasing kindness.




Through your mercy, O our God, who art blessed, and dost live, and govern all things, for ever and ever.



Psalmus cum Antiphóna

{Ex Festo}


Dóminus sit semper vobíscum.


Et cum spíritu tuo.

Antiphóna 1.

Bene nuntiáte de die in diem salutáre ejus.

Psalmus 95.


antáte Dómino cánticum novum: * cantáte Dómino omnis terra.
Cantáte Dómino, et benedícite nómini ejus: * bene nuntiáte de die in diem salutáre ejus.
Adnunciáte inter gentes ópera ejus, * in ómnibus pópulis mirabília ejus.
Quóniam magnus Dóminus, et laudábilis nimis: * terríbilis super omnes deos.
Quóniam omnes dii géntium, dæmónia: * Dóminus vero cœlos fecit.
Conféssio, et spécies in conspéctu ejus: * sánctitas, et magnificéntia in sanctificatióne ejus.
Afférte Dómino pátriæ géntium, afférte Dómino glóriam et honórem: * afférte Dómino glóriam nómini ejus.
Tóllite hóstias, et introíte in átria ejus, adoráte Dóminum in aula sancta ejus: * commoveátur a fácie ejus univérsa terra.
Dícite in natiónibus: Dóminus regnábit a ligno: * étenim quorréxit orbem terræ, quæ non commovébitur.
Judicábit pópulos in justítia: * et gentes in ira sua.
Læténtur cœli, et exúltet terra, * mobeátur mare, et plenitúdo ejus.
Gaudébunt campi, et ómnia, quæ in eis sunt: * tunc exultábunt ómnia ligna silbárum ante fáciem Dómini, quóniam venit, quóniam véniet judicáre terram.
Judicábit orbem terræ in æquitáte, * et pópulos in veritáte sua.
Glória, et honor Patri, et Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto in sæcula sæculórum. Amen.

Antiphóna 1.

Bene nuntiáte de die in diem salutáre ejus.

Psalm with Antiphons

{From the Feast}


The Lord be always with you.


And with thy spirit.

Antiphon 1.

Shew forth his salvation from day to day.

Psalm 95.


ing ye to the Lord a new canticle: * sing to the Lord, all the earth.
Sing ye to the Lord and bless his name: * shew forth his salvation from day to day.
Declare his glory among the Gentiles: * his wonders among all people.
For the Lord is great, and exceedingly to be praised: * he is to be feared above all gods.
For all the gods of the Gentiles are devils: * but the Lord made the heavens.
Praise and beauty are before him: * holiness and majesty in his sanctuary.
Bring ye to the Lord, O ye kindreds of the Gentiles, bring ye to the Lord glory and honour: * bring to the Lord glory unto his name.
Bring up sacrifices, and come into his courts: adore ye the Lord in his holy court: * Let all the earth be moved at his presence.
Say ye among the Gentiles, the Lord hath reigned from the tree: * For he hath corrected the world, which shall not be moved.
He will judge the people with justice: * and the nations in his wrath.
Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be glad, * let the sea be moved, and the fulness thereof.
The fields and all things that are in them shall be joyful: * Then shall all the trees of the woods rejoice before the face of the Lord, because he cometh: because he cometh to judge the earth.
He shall judge the world with justice, * and the people with his truth.
Glory and honor be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen.

Antiphon 1.

Shew forth his salvation from day to day.

Orátio post Psalmus

{Ex Festo}


Dóminus sit semper vobíscum.


Et cum spíritu tuo.


antet tibi novum cánticum numerósitas redemptórum: nova fecísti mirácula: novum lumen ortum ex Vírgine, quod tamen Deitáti non erat novum, sed novum est insólito monstráto miráculo, novum regeneratiónis mystérium; in quo totum ínnovas mundum: nova génera virtútum in curatióne ægrórum: novum humilitátis ac patiéntiæ modum in supérbia persequéntium: novum stupendúmque genus virtútis in glória resurgéntis: nova humánis vísibus tuæ osténditur majestátis potéstas; cum verum hóminem ad cœlórum sublimitátem depórtas: Concéde pro quibus tam nova mirácula gloriósus ópifex indidísti, hos et vestigiórum tuórum sequáces, et glóriæ fácias coherédes; atque melódiam cárminis, necnon inter Sanctórum fragóres, et nostras voces admísceas prestrepéntes.




Per misericórdiam tuam, Deus noster, qui es benedíctus, et vivis, et ómnia regis in sæcula sæculórum.



Prayer after Psalm

{From the Feast}


The Lord be always with you.


And with thy spirit.


et the multitude of the redeemed sing unto Thee a new song: Thou hast wrought new wonders. A new light hath arisen from the Virgin, which yet was not new to the Godhead, but is new in the miracle wondrously shown forth; a new mystery of regeneration, wherein Thou dost renew the whole world. New kinds of virtues in the healing of the sick; a new measure of humility and patience amidst the pride of persecutors; a new and wondrous display of power in the glory of the risen One; new to human sight is the majesty of Thy might, when Thou dost exalt true Man to the heights of heaven. Grant, O glorious Creator, for whom Thou hast ordained such new wonders, that these may be both followers of Thy footsteps and heirs of Thy glory; and deign to unite the melody of our song with the chorus of the Saints, blending our voices with their resounding praise.




Through your mercy, O our God, who art blessed, and dost live, and govern all things, for ever and ever.



Psalmus cum Antiphóna

{Ex Festo}


Dóminus sit semper vobíscum.


Et cum spíritu tuo.

Antiphóna 2.

Dóminus in Sion magnus: et excélsus super omnes pópulos.

Psalmus 98.


óminus regnábit irascúntur pópuli:* qui sedes super Chérubin, mobeátur terra.
Dóminus in Syon magnus: * excélsus super omnes pópulos.
Confiteántur omnes nómini tuo magno, et terríbili, quia sanctum est: * et honor regis judícium díligit.
Tu parásti æquitátem: * justítiam, et judícium in Jacob tu fecísti.
Exaltáte Dóminum Deum nostrum, * et adoráte scabéllum pedum ejus, quóniam sanctus est.
Móyses, et Aaron in sacerdótibus ejus: * et Sámuel inter eos, qui ínvocant nomen ejus.
Invocábant Dóminum, et ipse exaudiébat eos: * in colúmna nubis loquebátur ad eos.
Custodiébant testimónia ejus, et præcépta ejus: * quæ déderat illis.
Dómine Deus noster, tu exaudiébas eos: * Deus, tu propítius fuísti illis, et víndicans in ómnia stúdia eórum.
Exaltáte Dóminum Deum nostrum, et adoráte in monte sancto ejus: * quóniam sanctus est Dóminus Deus noster.
Glória, et honor Patri, et Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto in sæcula sæculórum. Amen.

Antiphóna 2.

Dóminus in Sion magnus: et excélsus super omnes pópulos.

Psalm with Antiphons

{From the Feast}


The Lord be always with you.


And with thy spirit.

Antiphon 2.

The Lord is great in Sion: and high above all people.

Psalm 98.


he Lord hath reigned, let the people be angry: * he that sitteth on the cherubims: let the earth be moved.
The Lord is great in Sion, * and high above all people.
Let them give praise to thy great name: for it is terrible and holy: * and the king’s honour loveth judgment.
Thou hast prepared directions: * thou hast done judgment and justice in Jacob.
Exalt ye the Lord our God, and adore his footstool, * for it is holy.
Moses and Aaron among his priests: * and Samuel among them that call upon his name.
They called upon the Lord, and he heard them: * he spoke to them in the pillar of the cloud.
They kept his testimonies, * and the commandment which he gave them.
Thou didst hear them, O Lord our God: * thou wast a merciful God to them, and taking vengeance on all their inventions.
Exalt ye the Lord our God, and adore at his holy mountain: * for the Lord our God is holy.
Glory and honor be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen.

Antiphon 2.

The Lord is great in Sion: and high above all people.

Orátio post Psalmus

{Ex Festo}


Dóminus sit semper vobíscum.


Et cum spíritu tuo.


edémptor noster Dómine, qui super omnem altitúdinem excélsus, et in Sion agnósceris magnus; credulitátem Ecclésiæ tuæ in te ámplians pérfice; et pópulos in ejus sinceritáte fac coaléscere: ut nomen tuum, quod magnum est, confiténtes; ac régiæ glóriæ honórem tibi, fídei servitúte offeréntes; tu nos miserátus de excélso próspice: et ab hac humilitáte terrárum in mansiónibus commúta cœlórum.




Per misericórdiam tuam, Deus noster, qui es benedíctus, et vivis, et ómnia regis in sæcula sæculórum.



Prayer after Psalm

{From the Feast}


The Lord be always with you.


And with thy spirit.


our Redeemer, Lord, who art exalted above all height and art acknowledged as great in Sion, perfect and enlarge the faith of Thy Church in Thee, and cause the peoples to unite in its purity: that, confessing Thy name, which is great, and offering unto Thee the honor of royal glory in the service of faith, Thou mayest look mercifully upon us from on high, and translate us from this lowliness of earth to the mansions of heaven.




Through your mercy, O our God, who art blessed, and dost live, and govern all things, for ever and ever.



Psalmus cum Antiphóna

{Ex Festo}


Dóminus sit semper vobíscum.


Et cum spíritu tuo.

Antiphóna 3.

Dóminus memor fuit nostri: et benedíxit nobis.

Psalmus 113.


n éxitu Ísraël de Ægýpto, * domus Jacob de pópulo bárbaro.
Facta est Júdæa sanctificátio ejus, * Ísraël potéstas ejus; Ísraël regnávit in ea.
Mare vidit, et fugit: * Jordánis convérsus est retrórsum.
Montes exultabérunt, ut aríetes, * et colles velut agni óbium.
Quid est mare, quod fugísti: * et tu Jordanis, quare convérsus es retrórsum.
Montes quare exultástis, ut aríetes, * et colles, velut agni óbium.
A fácie Dómini trémuit omnis terra, * a fácie Dei Jacob.
Qui convértit petram in stagna aquárum, * et rupes in fontes aquárum.
Non nobis Dómine, non nobis: * sed nómini tuo da glóriam.
Super misericórdiam, et veritátem tuam: * ne quando dicant gentes: Ubi est Deus eórum.
Deus autem noster in cœlo sursum: * in cœlo et in terra quæcúmque vóluit, fecit.
Simulácra géntium argéntum, et aurum, * ópera mánuum hóminum.
Os habent, et non loquéntur: * óculos habent, et non vidébunt.
Aures habent, et non áudient, * nares habent, et non odorábunt.
Manus habent, et non palpábunt: * pedes habent, et non ambulábunt.
Non clamábunt in gútture suo: * neque enim est spíritus in ora ipsórum.
Símiles illi fiant, qui fáciunt ea: * et omnes, qui confídunt in eis.
Domus Ísraël sperábit in Dómino: * adjutor, et protéctor eórum est.
Domus Haaron sperábit in Dómino: * adjutor, et protéctor eórum est.
Qui timent Dóminum sperent in Dómino: * adjutor, et protéctor eórum est.
Dóminus memor fuit nostri: * et benedíxit nobis.
Benedíxit domum Ísraël, benedíxit domum Aaron: * benedíxit omnes timéntes Dóminum, pusíllos cum majóribus.
Adíciet Dóminus super vos: * et super fílios vestros benedictiónem.
Benedícti vos a Dómino, * qui fecit cœlum, et terram.
Cœlum cœli Dómino: * terram autem dedit fíliis hóminum.
Non mórtui laudábunt te, Dómine: * neque omnes, qui descéndunt in inférnum.
Sed nos, qui víbimus, benedícimus Dómino, * ex hoc nunc, et usque in sæculum.
Glória, et honor Patri, et Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto in sæcula sæculórum. Amen.

Antiphóna 3.

Dóminus memor fuit nostri: et benedíxit nobis.

Psalm with Antiphons

{From the Feast}


The Lord be always with you.


And with thy spirit.

Antiphon 3.

The Lord hath been mindful of us: and hath blessed us.

Psalm 113.


hen Israel went out of Egypt, * the house of Jacob from a barbarous people:
Judea was made his sanctuary, * Israel his dominion.
The sea saw and fled: * Jordan was turned back.
The mountains skipped like rams, * and the hills like the lambs of the flock.
What ailed thee, O thou sea, that thou didst flee: * and thou, O Jordan, that thou wast turned back?
Ye mountains, that ye skipped like rams, * and ye hills, like lambs of the flock?
At the presence of the Lord the earth was moved, * at the presence of the God of Jacob:
Who turned the rock into pools of water, * and the stony hill into fountains of waters.
Not to us, O Lord, not to us; * but to thy name give glory.
For thy mercy, and for thy truth’s sake: * lest the Gentiles should say: Where is their God?
But our God is in heaven: * he hath done all things whatsoever he would.
The idols of the Gentiles are silver and gold, * the works of the hands of men.
They have mouths and speak not: * they have eyes and see not.
They have ears and hear not: * they have noses and smell not.
They have hands and feel not: * they have feet and walk not.
Neither shall they cry out through their throat: * neither is there any breath in their mouths.
Let them that make them become like unto them: * and all such as trust in them.
The house of Israel hath hoped in the Lord: * he is their helper and their protector.
The house of Aaron hath hoped in the Lord: * he is their helper and their protector.
They that fear the Lord have hoped in the Lord: * he is their helper and their protector.
The Lord hath been mindful of us, * and hath blessed us.
He hath blessed the house of Israel: he hath blessed the house of Aaron: * he hath blessed all that fear the Lord, both little and great.
May the Lord add blessings upon you: * upon you, and upon your children.
Blessed be you of the Lord, * who made heaven and earth.
The heaven of heaven is the Lord’s: * but the earth he has given to the children of men.
The dead shall not praise thee, O Lord: * nor any of them that go down to hell.
But we that live bless the Lord: * from this time now and for ever.
Glory and honor be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen.

Antiphon 3.

The Lord hath been mindful of us: and hath blessed us.

Orátio post Psalmus

{Ex Festo}


Dóminus sit semper vobíscum.


Et cum spíritu tuo.


ómine, qui sursum in cœléstibus hábitans, terrénas potestátes cóntines et gubérnas: da nómini tuo glóriam, da peccántibus véniam; quodque de tua misericórdia præsúmimus, in veritáte, quod quærámus, hauriámus, ut misericórdia tua de Ecclésiæ cœtu simulácra exclúdat, et véritas ad cultus tui agnitiónem dúbia corda convértat: ádjice, quæsumus, Dómine, benedictiónem tuam super pópulum tuum, et super fílios eórum; quique timéntibus te factus es salus in vitam perpétuam, quam promisísti, concéde corónam; ut non peccátis mórtui, a tua benedictióne abjiciámur, sed vitæ partícipes facti, nomen tuum in sæcula conlaudémus.




Per misericórdiam tuam, Deus noster, qui es benedíctus, et vivis, et ómnia regis in sæcula sæculórum.



Prayer after Psalm

{From the Feast}


The Lord be always with you.


And with thy spirit.


Lord, who dwellest on high in the heavens, holding and governing earthly powers: give glory to Thy name, grant forgiveness to sinners; and what we presume upon from Thy mercy, may we truly receive as we seek it, so that Thy mercy may expel idols from the assembly of the Church, and Thy truth may convert doubtful hearts to the recognition of Thy worship: add, we beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy blessing upon Thy people, and upon their children; and to those who fear Thee, being made salvation unto eternal life, which Thou hast promised, grant the crown; that, not being dead in sins, we may not be cast away from Thy blessing, but being made partakers of life, we may praise Thy name forever.




Through your mercy, O our God, who art blessed, and dost live, and govern all things, for ever and ever.




{Ex Festo}


Dóminus sit semper vobíscum.


Et cum spíritu tuo.


Hierúsalem cívitas sancta ultra non eget sole: quia cláritas Dei illúminat eam.


Splendor ejus agnus est.


Turres Hierúsalem auro ædificabúntur, et propugnácula ejus auro mundo.


Splendor ejus agnus est.


Glória, et honor Patri, et Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto in sæcula sæculórum. Amen.


Splendor ejus agnus est.


{From the Feast}


The Lord be always with you.


And with thy spirit.


Jerusalem, the holy city, hath no need of the sun any more: for the brightness of God doth enlighten it.


Its splendor is the Lamb.


The towers of Jerusalem shall be built with gold, and its bulwarks with pure gold.


Its splendor is the Lamb.


Glory and honor to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen.


Its splendor is the Lamb.

Procéde ad Láudibus

Proceed to Lauds
