Gothicum Mockup Index

General Notes

  1. Additional notes and Comments are given here. Here choices and changes made to the text are documented. A diagram of the two traditions.
  2. The goal is to create an accurate mockup of the modern Lorenzana/Cisneros/Ortiz Gothic Office, not an one-to-one recreation of the given sources, nor of the ancient manuscripts.
  3. In 1502, the Mozarabic Breviary was published by Cardinal Cisneros, compiled by Alfonso Ortiz. In 1775, Cardinal Lorenzana republished a new edition, adding additional materials.
  4. Sources are taken primarily from two places: the Gothic Breviary, and the Missa gothica, which contains the festal commons. The Mozarabic site offers the Breviary in web form, albeit with a few typos. Additional resources may be found on the site.
  5. Secondary sources on the notes of the office comes from the Regula of the Breviarium and the introductory notes of the Missa gothica, the Catholic Encyclopedia, the 1593 and the 1603 notes.
  6. If one wishes to recite this office, but is not a priest, instead of Dominus sit ... , it can be replaced by Domine exaudi ... and Et clamor ... perveniat semper, to match the style of the Mozarabic Office (cf Ambrosian). In other words, add 'always' to Let my cry ... to thee.
  7. When an Antiphon, Sono, Lauda, or Responsory begins, the first line is said by the Celebrant, and then repeated by the Choir. Then the Priest says the line marked P., and the Choir says the versicle, V.


Adventus Domini

Post Laudes
Hebdomadæ Dominica Feria II Feria III Feria IV Feria V Feria VI Sabbato
Prima Adventus Vesperos I Matutinum Laudibus Vesperos II Matutinum Laudibus Vesperos II Matutinum Laudibus Vesperos II Matutinum Laudibus
Secunda Adventus Vesperos I Matutinum Laudibus Vesperos II Matutinum Laudibus Vesperos II Matutinum Laudibus Vesperos II Matutinum Laudibus
Tertia Adventus Vesperos I Matutinum Laudibus Vesperos II Matutinum Laudibus (1st Mon) Vesperos II (1st Mon) Matutinum Laudibus (1st Wed) Vesperos II (1st Wed) Matutinum Laudibus (1st Fri)
Quarta Adventus Vesperos I Matutinum Laudibus Vesperos II Matutinum Laudibus (2nd Mon) Vesperos II (2nd Mon) Matutinum Laudibus (1st Wed) Vesperos II (2nd Mon) Matutinum Laudibus (1st Wed) Vel Laudibus (2nd Fri) Vesperos II (2nd Mon) Matutinum Laudibus (2nd Mon) Vesperos II (2nd Mon) Matutinum Laudibus (2nd Wed)
Alia Responsoria
Quinta Adventus Vesperos I Matutinum Laudibus Vesperos II Matutinum Laudibus (1st Mon) Vesperos II (1st Mon) Matutinum Laudibus (1st Wed) Vesperos II (1st Wed) Matutinum Laudibus (1st Fri) Vesperos II (1st Fri=1st Wed) Matutinum Laudibus (2nd Mon) Vesperos II (2nd Mon) Matutinum Laudibus (2nd Wed) Vesperos II (2nd Wed) Matutinum Laudibus (2nd Fri)
Alia Responsoria
Sexta Adventus Vesperos I Matutinum Laudibus Vesperos II Matutinum Laudibus (1st Mon) Vesperos II (1st Mon)
Vigilia Nativitatis Matutinum Laudibus (1st Wed)

Post Adventus

Dec. 25. In Nativitatis DNJC Vesperos I Matutinum Laudibus
Dec. 26. Sancti Stephani Vesperos I Matutinum Laudibus
Dec. 27. Sancti Johannis Vesperos I Matutinum Laudibus
Dec. 28. Allisione Infantium Vesperos I Matutinum Laudibus
Dec. 29. 1502: Thomas BecketCommon 1775: James the Just, Brother Vesperos I Matutinum Laudibus
Dec. 30. 1502: Translation of James the Just Vesperos I Matutinum Laudibus 1775: James the Greater, ZebedeeProper
Dec. 31. 1502: Sylvester vel ColumbæCommon, Proper 1775: ColumbæProper
Jan. 1. Circumcision Vesperos I Matutinum Laudibus
Sunday Before Epiphany Vesperos I Matutinum Laudibus
Jan. 3. January Fast: Day 1. Matutinum Laudibus Tertiam Sextam Nonam Vesperos II
Jan. 4. January Fast: Day 2. Matutinum Laudibus Tertiam Sextam Nonam Vesperos II
Jan. 5. January Fast: Day 3. Vigil of Epiphany Matutinum Laudibus


Jan. 6. Apparition of the Lord
Prima Dom. Post Oct. Epiph.
Secunda Dom. Post Oct. Epiph.
Tertia Dom. Post Oct. Epiph.
Quarta Dom. Post Oct. Epiph.
Quinta Dom. Post Oct. Epiph.
Sexta Dom. Post Oct. Epiph.
Septima Dom. Post Oct. Epiph.
Octava Dom. Post Oct. Epiph.

Hebdomadæ Feriæ

Secunda Tertia Quarta Quinta Sexta Infirmorum Sabbato BMV

Horæ Minoræ

Aurora Primam Tertiam Sextam Nonam Completoria Benedictio Mensæ
Per Annum Per Annum Per Annum Advent Lent Traditione Easter Ascension Per Annum Lent Traditione Per Annum Lent Post Nonam (Salve Regina) Ante Completoria (Lent) Completoria (Modern) Completoria (Other) Completoria (Full) Post Completoria (Salve Regina) Benedictio Mensæ

Choices and Changes:

Psalter Index